The cooing of pigeons, in the woods by the gamekeepers cottage, break the silence of a sleepy afternoon and the path to take is through the golf course which leads to the centre of the Park: the lake and Heaton Hall, which holds a picture gallery. Hiring a boat is fun and taking a trip on the steamboat ‘Heaton Belle’ around the island is what every child loves.
Watch the fashions of the day pass by as the well-to-do parade their fox furs and flounces (and the envious sigh). The bandstand is on the field below where folk are relaxing – lying on the grass or playing with their children. The brass band plays a variety of songs which the “old ones” love. There’s always something to see in Heaton Park, be it the wild rabbits scurrying to their burrows or a lesson in “how the other half live”
Village News 1927 – Horse kept in Kitchen
Seargent Flynn had words with the man who kept a horse in his back kitchen. The neighbours complained when they couldn’t sleep at night owing to the constant stamping and clattering of hooves on the flag floor, coming from next door, the man said he was hoping to ride the horse to Barnet Fair to sell it, but, now he’d get rid of it sooner because the fair was two weeks away.
All material on these pages is ©Edith Oughton 2006